District V of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina (PHA)

Chester County

Chester County
Cherokee County
Union County
York County
District V Moments
What's Happening in District V
Contact Information/Links

Special Deputy of Chester County
Bro. Joe Davis, 32nd #320


Chester County is Home to:
Acacia Lodge #32 - Chester, South Carolina
Gideon Lodge #67 - Fort Lawn, South Carolina
Fraternal Union Lodge #136 - Great Falls, South Carolina
St. Peter Lodge #142 - Chester, South Carolina
William Upton Lodge #145 - Richburg, South Carolina
Archive Lodge #149 - Edgemoor, South Carolina
Burning Bush Lodge #186 - Chester, South Carolina
Cephas Lodge #320 - Chester, South Carolina
Woods of Bethlehem Lodge #432 - Chester, South Carolina

Site Maintained by: P.M. Jerwon L. Avery, 33rd
 Four Cross Lodge No.109 PHA