District V of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina (PHA)

Contact Information/Links

Chester County
Cherokee County
Union County
York County
District V Moments
What's Happening in District V
Contact Information/Links

Please feel free to contact us with anything going on in your District or Lodge..I will be glad to post it for others to see Your Great Works..

Sign our Trestle Board  View our Past Visitors

Contact Information:
Bro. Jerwon Avery P.M., 33rd - Four Cross Lodge #109

S.C. Prince Hall Masonic Links

Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge

Of South Carolina

Order of The Eastern Star (PHA)

Holy Royal Arch Masons (PHA)

Heroines Of Jericho

Knights Templar



AFRICAN LODGE NO.459..The Birthplace of Prince Hall Masonry

Prince Hall

Yahoo Members Click Here for District V Yahoo Group

Site Maintained by: P.M. Jerwon L. Avery, 33rd
 Four Cross Lodge No.109 PHA